The Limpopo Tourism Agency Board has recently, during its meeting on 26/10/2023 resolved on key issues which in the main, are to propel the achievement of the objectives the entity has set itself.

The Board commended and congratulated the Provincial Government for the successful 3rd Limpopo Investment Conference held on 18-19 October 2023 at the Ranch Hotel, outside Polokwane. The pledges made at this investment conference impacting on tourism, were welcomed and the entity will be hawk-eyed in ensuring that the commitments made do come to fruition.

The following milestones will be monitored for implementation during this period:

  • Given the challenges of the airlift in some parts of the Province, Airlift Strategy has been accorded a permanent agenda status by the Board.
  • That, the 1st Draft Annual Performance Plan 2024/25 has been positively considered, which amongst others directs the entity’s planning for the year ahead. The plan still places at the centre of LTA’s obligations, economic development of the province through support to the tourism SMME’s at different platforms. It goes further to provide insights on how destination Limpopo will be marketed locally, regionally, and internationally to lure the tourists to the province.
  • For the quarter under review, all the goals the entity has set itself have been achieved bar the area on procurement from the disabled. The Board has directed that collaborative efforts be activated to obtain the intervention of the disability desk of the office of Premier to access the database of the sector.
  • The Board has further expressed itself on the need to intensify its efforts in heightening the profile of the province through one of the clusters, sports tourism, a feat which was coupled with the need to profile the woman owned tourism establishments.
  • From the governance space, work has already started to correct the areas which impeded the achievement of a clean audit. Efforts are in place to avoid the recurrence of inaccuracies in those areas and the Board has committed to exercise its fiduciary duty in seeing the entity achieving an improved audit opinion.
  • The Board has directed that a plan be put in place to minimise on non-strategic expenditure in the spirit of cost containment. That the plan will be followed to the letter.



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