Limpopo Province; Polokwane: Member of the Executive Council for Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET), Mr. Rodgers Monama held a successful Annual General Meeting (AGM) with Limpopo Tourism Agency (LTA) Board led by its chairperson, Mr. Andrew Dipela, on the 23rd November at LEDET Offices in Polokwane. The AGM was held in line with legislation that requires the Board to report to the shareholder on all matters pertaining to the Board’s fiduciary functions and responsibilities.

The Board Chairperson on behalf of members took the MEC through by presenting the Annual Report. Upon presentation, Dipela indicated that the objective of the entity to achieve an unqualified audit opinion with no matters of emphasis continues to be the Board’s priority. “We are still on course to ensure that we work hard to attain an unqualified audit opinion without matters of emphasis as that goal is not farfetched. We will attend to all matters raised by the office of the Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) in ensuring that the entity is taken to another level. The entity has also developed an action audit plan to assist in addressing all matters identified by the AGSA on our path to the clean audit. The Board will also track and follow through all commitments that were made to either the communities and/or stakeholders to ensure that they are all addressed”, said Dipela.

The MEC for Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET), Mr. Rodgers Monama, expressed his satisfaction with the work of the Board. He however, encouraged the Board and its administrative wing to continue working harder for the entity to achieve an unqualified audit opinion without matters of emphasis. Monama said, “It was prudent to have this inaugural annual general meeting so that I am able to hold you accountable to the contents of our compact agreement, otherwise known as the performance agreement. I must emphasise that you are assured of my support, but our relationship is regulated. Tourism is one of the pillars of our economy in the province and indeed a sector that can give us a competitive urge. Tourism is a game changer in the economy of scope that can ignite the entrepreneurial skills of the people of the province”.

Monama further advised the Board to continue to cooperate with AGSA by providing that office with all it needs for a clean administrative process. He further urged the Board to ensure that all the material irregularities and misstatements are corrected. “You are a candidate of unqualified audit opinion without matters of emphasis, but you should ensure that there are no matters that will militate against you obtaining that status. Let us maintain the highest standard of professionalism. The new Board can reengineer and change the institution to be the best thus taking it to greater heights. The province has pristine cultural and heritage sites with routes that can prove that this province is a leading and preferred destination of choice”, concluded Monama.




Released on behalf of Limpopo Tourism Agency by:

Mike Tauatsoala

Head of Communications & PR

Limpopo Tourism Agency

Tel : 015 293 3600

Cell : 082 886 3294

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